
Showing posts from September, 2021

Hypnotherapy Consultation in Albuquerque: Tips to Shed Few Pounds and Stay Fit

  Do you want to slim down to ideal body weight? How about following some scientifically proven effective tips to shed the extra pounds and stay fit? If you need medical and clinical support for weight loss, opt for a hypnotherapy consultation in Albuquerque. You will be surprised to know that public figures like  Kelly Osbourne , Fergie, and  Lily Allen  have used hypnosis for weight loss. Let us discuss the most effective and best tips for weight loss! Consider a Realistic and Healthy Approach First and foremost, check with your Medical Doctor Prior to beginning any weight loss program to insure that any special needs or requirements specific to your medical wellbeing are met. It is essential to set a realistic and healthy goal to achieve the best results. Setting a target of losing one or two pounds a week, in the beginning, is a good and achievable target. Over time, you can even burn two to three pounds a week and feel good. Drink Water and Stay Hydrated: Drinking lots of

Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy – Hypnosis for Insomnia

  Having difficulty sleeping? Are you waking up in the morning feeling exhausted? Would you like to regain a natural sleep pattern and live a healthier lifestyle? Then, book a 20 minute free consultation with ‘Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy’. Since 2013, Christian has worked with hundreds of clients to overcome not only sleepless nights , but other debilitating conditions as well. Christian Raphael is a Board Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Fellow of the Board of The International Board of Hypnotherapy . This board, (IBH), has the highest standards for certification in the industry, including 24 month recertification requirements. In addition to 400 Hours of Clinical Training including Medical Support Hypnotherapy, rigorous annual CEU credits are required for Fellowship Distinction. Christian provides highly skilled scientifically verified hypnosis services for regaining natural sleep patterns, and has taught Hypnotherapy Students at the Hypnotherapy Aca

Get Hypnosis for Medical Issues from Certified Christian Raphael Hypnotherapist

Looking for the right hypnotherapy? Then, ‘Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy’ is the best place. Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy welcomes you. Here you will receive the best hypnotherapy for sure. We have been providing hypnosis for medical issues for a long time. Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy has many satisfied and happy patients. Christian Raphael is a hypnotherapist, with 25 years of corporate success experience in his Hypnotherapy practice. Hypnotherapy at Christian Raphael is a very reliable option. Hypnosis for Medical Issues: Let’s take a look at what Hypnotherapy is and what it includes. Hypnotherapy is a technique, using the hypnosis method to treat specific symptoms relating to health conditions. Hypnotherapy wakes awareness allowing people to come out of any kind of anxiety disorders, phobias, smoking cessation, pain management, and a lot more. Hence, Hypnotherapy helps people in changing their behavior, solve problems, etc. The objective of Hypnotherapy is to bring posi