Hypnotherapy Consultation in Albuquerque: Tips to Shed Few Pounds and Stay Fit


Do you want to slim down to ideal body weight? How about following some scientifically proven effective tips to shed the extra pounds and stay fit? If you need medical and clinical support for weight loss, opt for a hypnotherapy consultation in Albuquerque. You will be surprised to know that public figures like Kelly Osbourne, Fergie, and Lily Allen have used hypnosis for weight loss.

Let us discuss the most effective and best tips for weight loss!

Consider a Realistic and Healthy Approach

First and foremost, check with your Medical Doctor Prior to beginning any weight loss program to insure that any special needs or requirements specific to your medical wellbeing are met.

It is essential to set a realistic and healthy goal to achieve the best results. Setting a target of losing one or two pounds a week, in the beginning, is a good and achievable target. Over time, you can even burn two to three pounds a week and feel good.

Drink Water and Stay Hydrated:

Drinking lots of water is a great way to stay healthy, fit, and slim. Drinking water keeps you hydrated and can boost your metabolism by 25%-30%. It helps you burn some extra calories. Drinking a 10oz glass of water 20 minutes before a meal to fill your stomach is widely considered to be a great weight loss strategy. This boosts metabolism and lowers your appetite, making it less likely that you will overeat.

Reduce Caffeine, Increase Herbal Tea:

Caffeine is a diuretic, which dehydrates the body.

Avoid Sugar:

As sugar increases the fat content in your body, it is helpful to avoid sugar for an effective weight loss program. If you want to get rid of the extra fat, avoid food and beverages having a high amount of sugar, like soft-drinks and alcohol. Also candy and chocolates. are not beneficial.

Eat Less and Healthy

Check with your Medical Doctor regarding which foods they recommend for you.

Using smaller plates for having meals is an effective trick to eat less. It is an effective trick to satisfy your mind and works best for the weight loss program.

If you want your weight loss program to be successful, avoid eating processed or junk food.

Always buy fresh raw food items, cook them in a low-fat policy, and enjoy a healthy eating routine for your weight loss program. Eat fruits a lot as it boosts your metabolism and helps you stay hydrated.

Keep distance from packed or processed food items to see the difference!

Do Physical Activities- As cleared by your Medical Doctor.

Physical activities like walking, cycling, or excising are the best ways to lose fat. Indulging in physical activities burns calories and improve your overall health.

Sleep Well:

An important part of your weight loss regime is proper sleep. Getting good sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Experts recommend 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day to get the best results.

Stay Motivated:

Motivation plays a crucial role in losing weight. To stay motivated, you can make a list of the reasons to lose weight and stick encouraging notes on the fridge, gym, or kitchen. When your body and mind work together to achieve the goal, then it becomes a reality.

If you feel your mind and body are not working together towards achieving the weight loss goal, consider a hypnotherapy consultation in Albuquerque at Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy. It is located next to the University of New Mexico Hospital campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Give us a call today at 505-918-6555 to get an appointment!

Here is the link: https://christianraphaelhypnotherapy.com/consultation/ to get a complimentary 20-minute consultation!

Source from: https://christianraphaelhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/2021/09/23/hypnotherapy-consultation-in-albuquerque-tips-to-shed-few-pounds-and-stay-fit/


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