Hypnosis – The Science of Conscious and Unconscious Mind


Have you ever wondered how TV shows and stand-up acts use hypnosis?, or how hypnosis actually works? Often hypnosis is considered as entertainment. However, it is not only entertainment! Many people are turning to hypnosis for medical support, including and not limited to quitting smoking, reducing anxiety, weight loss, surgery preparation, insomnia, cancer treatment support and more.

Hypnosis is

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with numerous beneficial characteristics. Hypnosis is when we relax our overactive critical thinking mind. “Therapy” while in Hypnosis, or “Hypnotherapy” occurs while in the relaxed state of hypnosis where we selectively focus on a desired outcome, e.g., slimming down to our ideal body weight, choosing to breathe fresh clean air (instead of smoking cigarettes), feeling calm, relaxed, peaceful and optimistic (instead of anxious and upset). Envisioning medication zapping all of the cancer cells in the body. You see, Once the client (co-therapist) enters into the peaceful meditative state of trance a hypnotherapist repeats positive suggestions and imagery designed– in collaboration with the client (co-therapist), prior to trance induction. These positive suggestions and images act as instructions to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind’s job is to create that which we believe is true. in the 1600’s Rene Descartes said it as “I think therefore I am”.

How Hypnosis Works?

Many times the conscious mind wants to do something that the unconscious mind does not accept fully. Hypnotherapists use the trance state to relax the “critical thinker” allowing access to the subconscious mind for programming of new desired healthier behaviors–kind of like updating an application on your smartphone. Hypnotherapy can also be used to help a person alter their perceptions gradually. For instance, if a person is suffering with pain, with the help of hypnosis, one can alter the signal path of pain in the brain and disrupt it such that pain is reduced dramatically or even completely eliminated.

Does it Really Work?

Yes, Hypnotherapy works if the person (client, co- therapist) is willing to accept the change. It cannot be used forcefully on anyone. If someone tries to quit smoking ONLY because of family pressure, then hypnosis will not cannot help them, until THEY have made up their mind to quit. Hypnosis cannot be used to change the way someone thinks! Hypnosis simply helps initiate behavioral changes. Hypnosis can also help in bringing a state of relaxation and keep calm under stressful conditions. People with stress, anxiety, grief, or even depression issues can get relief from these experiences.

However, hypnosis does not claim to cure any disease completely and is most effective when it is used along with therapies and lifestyle changes. For long-term, chronic diseases, it may take a number of hypnosis sessions to see results.

To properly use hypnosis for medical support work you need to consult a certified professional medical support clinical hypnotherapist and follow their suggestions while actively participating in the process of designing your personalized road-map to greater health and wellbeing.


Seeking help with hypnosis to treat any of your medical issues or habits? Contact Christian Raphael Hypnotherapy for a free consultation about hypnosis for medical support. You may also visit https://christianraphaelhypnotherapy.com/

Source From: https://christianraphaelhypnotherapy.wordpress.com/2022/01/25/hypnosis-the-science-of-conscious-and-unconscious-mind/


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